2016 Global Reunion

August 15, 2016

This post was filed by Stephen Wong.

global reunion-1Global Reunion

Toronto, Canada

La Salle College Old Boys’ Global Re-Union is held every two years in North America, alternating between USA and Canada. This year, it was held on July 28 – 31, hosted by the Toronto Chapter. For four days, La Salle old boys from all corners of North America and a few from Hong Kong gathered to discuss strategies of how the different chapters world -wide can work together better and to support the ongoing activities of our alma mater. Great fun was had by all who participated in the soccer and golf tournaments, table tennis game, karaoke and the official dinner on the last day. New friendships were forged, old friendships renewed. Sweet reminisces with former classmates brought back the gloried days of childhood. Brother Steve, retiring director of La Salle College, was the guest of honor. He gave an inspiring report on the recent changes of the education system in Hong Kong and the excellent performance of La Salle boys both academically and on the sports arena. He will be missed.

The class of 1961 was well represented at the Global Re-Union with fourteen registrants. They included those who reside in the Toronto area as well as William Lai (from Edmonton, Canada), Peter Chan 陳偉倫(老虎仔) (from Ottawa) and Edward Kang 康保泰 (from New York).

A separate  class of 61 re-union  dinner was held on July 29 with twenty two class-mates and guests in attendance.

The next Global Re-union will be held in 2018, hosted by the New York Chapter. It will be held in Miami in conjunction with a cruise.

global reunion-261ers attending the Global Reunion

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